Monday, October 27, 2008


I guess you could say that I'm lucky.

I have access to something that not many people do.

People pay to know what I know.

And I'm doing everything to erase what I know....

I can see the future. My future at least. I've seen it my whole life. It resides in the back room of my home. Safe behind barricades. Safe in it's own mind. Safe in a way that is dangerous to one's close to it.

My future stares me in the face. It wakes me up in the morning. My future used to say that I'd amount to nothing. It used to call me a zero. Sometimes people claim to be blindsided by their future; I saw the hit coming from a mile away.

Our birth is a mistake we'll spend our entire lives trying to fix.

People always try to run from their future. Try living with it. Every vice that your future has, you know is destined to become yours someday. And you can't fuck with destiny. With all the good your future holds, comes the bad. Pandora's Box in reverse. I've studied my future, and I've studied myself, and I am sure they are one in the same.

Fuck destiny.

I wish I could be blindsided by my future so I wouldn't have to watch it creep up on me, every second of every day. I wish this could all be a big shock to me.

If you become what you fear, and you fear what you become, what does that make you?

Good Haiku

Is an oxymoron....

No other form of "self expression" is so limited. How do we truly present our thoughts in 3 lines of limited syllables? Haiku's are crutches for people who can't write. Even worse they think they are being so artsy writing about leaves and humming birds, when in reality all they are doing is counting out syllables on their fingers. In my opinion, nobody can write to the best of their ability if they are held back by borders and rules.

Our greatest works of art and discoveries come from chaos.
Not by following the rules.

Mediocrity is following the rules. I'm not speaking in anarchic terms involving the government, rather "laws" of literature.

Go out and write. Don't let anyone tell you how to. You can find out more about yourself by writing with absolutely no structure than a lifetime of writing inside the box. The truest moments of a persons life are the ones in which they challenge themselves to write with no boundaries and spill their heart and mind onto paper.

Who you are, and who you think you are, are never the same person.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss....

I'm not a pessimistic person, but I've had some thoughts I'd been meaning to put on paper for a while now. It has to do with a gradual distaste I've been building regarding society, partly because I'm as much a part of it as the people I criticise. Here goes nothing:


It's amazing how impressionable we are as man. We're told what to want.
"Oh, this is cool NOW!"
"That is soo LAST YEAR!"

Materialism is the epicenter of both our society and what I believe to be the continuous destruction of it. Focusing on a person's qualities is soo LAST YEAR. Character, integrity, beliefs, all out the window. We discount so much when we focus on image. Image is only one dimension of a human being, yet we aknowledge it as most important in many situations.

Clicks of soceity are formed solely on image. Next time you're in the school cafeteria, look around. SECTIONS, GHETTOS, predetermined by judgemental behavior.


We section ourselves solely on image so we can fit in?
All of us following this unwritten law of conduct that we must fit into the mold. All of these molds predetermined in one way or another.

Very few people really know who they are.
That is soo LAST YEAR.

What does it say about our connection to something, that one year we can think it is the best thing in the world, and the next, deny ever being connected to this faction, this trend. We change because we're told to. We're all tanning on the beach, rotating our bodies with the sun. Nobody wants to be left out. Everyone wants to be ahead of the curve.

I want to be BEHIND the curve.
I want to live in "LAST YEARS" world.......