Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Haiku

Is an oxymoron....

No other form of "self expression" is so limited. How do we truly present our thoughts in 3 lines of limited syllables? Haiku's are crutches for people who can't write. Even worse they think they are being so artsy writing about leaves and humming birds, when in reality all they are doing is counting out syllables on their fingers. In my opinion, nobody can write to the best of their ability if they are held back by borders and rules.

Our greatest works of art and discoveries come from chaos.
Not by following the rules.

Mediocrity is following the rules. I'm not speaking in anarchic terms involving the government, rather "laws" of literature.

Go out and write. Don't let anyone tell you how to. You can find out more about yourself by writing with absolutely no structure than a lifetime of writing inside the box. The truest moments of a persons life are the ones in which they challenge themselves to write with no boundaries and spill their heart and mind onto paper.

Who you are, and who you think you are, are never the same person.

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